Geoteamové statistiky logů

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Hezký log je to největší poděkování autorovi, můžete se podívat jak se líbily různé keše našemu geoteamu a kolegům. A co jsme všecho lovili. Je to zatím beta verze, kontaktujte mě, co by se vám líbilo za statistiky.
Pája / zbycz

PS: Member kešky může logovat kdokoliv! Stačí přímo zavolat adresu třeba

Úvod | Mimo geotým:

cwg Havraní geotým Havraní geotým

zbycz474 Lemonexe243 Machor105 Feek92103 barrek152 adeodatos815 shaked4134 Shipka21
...a další skauti ze 137.oddílu Havrani, Praha 1

Keš GC1FNK6 - t Cortina, Reine des Dolomites

Traditional Cache by LE PERE NOEL (Micro 1.5/1.5)

#55 smile 2009-06-30 Feek92
Nice cache. My second in Italy on Dolomity-trip.


Bye from Czech ;)

#124 smile 2009-06-30 zbycz
There were so few oportunities to hunt a cache at our hiking trip, i had loved to find this one :) Typical city microcache, the very same as in Czech republic. Thanks for english listing! Logged at siesta time, so no muggles around
#19 smile 2009-06-30 Lemonexe
Nice hideout. There were few muggles and one of us was funy while finding it, because he wanted to be inconspicious :-D
Thanks for the cache
#9 smile 2009-06-20 Machor
nice, thanks for a cache. I dint have an account, so i log now

Geoteam stats 1.42 | (c) '10