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Pája / zbycz

PS: Member kešky může logovat kdokoliv! Stačí přímo zavolat adresu třeba

Úvod | Mimo geotým:

cwg Havraní geotým Havraní geotým

zbycz474 Lemonexe243 Machor105 Feek92103 barrek152 adeodatos815 shaked4134 Shipka21
...a další skauti ze 137.oddílu Havrani, Praha 1

Keš GCX83X - t Casteldimezzo

Traditional Cache by skogi (Not chosen 1/1)

#155 smile 2009-08-07 zbycz
Thank you very much for this box. I was delighted to find a cache at this particular place. Although its not quite common for a foreigner, ive been visting this place with my family for about 15 years. We are staying over summer in Pesaro and we love the stony beach down the Casteldimezzo. Since this year is first i am hunting Caches, i was looking forward to find and log this one. The hiding place was good, we found the box immediatelly.

Its a pity, there isnt many caches around Pesaro, but its the same around Italy i guess, there are 3000 caches in the country and in my home country its 13000 eventhough we are 4 times smaller :) funny thing :)

I droped off "Theologos" Travelbug, see its page for a photo - has been traveling over 1000km from the Czech republic :)

#21 smile 2009-08-07 Lemonexe
Thank for nice cache.

Geoteam stats 1.42 | (c) '10